Monday, August 31, 2009

Ack! It is the last day of August!

We have been woefully absent from this blog. It doesn't mean we aren't reading, or thinking of books. It just means we are busy selling books and enjoying the summer. I sense that fall is in the vicinity. The light outside has changed. Did you notice? It happened very subtly. You were probably too busy swimming, or camping or complaining about the heat. The angle of the light is at a greater slant. I love this. I love the way it changes not just the shadows of the everyday stagnant objects around you, but the colors of them as well.

Slight distraction. We are headed to the PNBA Trade Show next week. That is the Pacific Northwest Booksellers Association Trade Show. We hope to meet with some authors, chat with other booksellers and gather information about the best books for the fall. This blog post is actually a break from writing orders for the show. Is there something in particular that you want?


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